Rhino Pools verkauft mehr als 800 Pools pro Jahr, die über das Händlernetz in ganz Europa angeboten werden.

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Alle Pools werden einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle unterzogen und wir können mit Stolz garantieren, dass Rhino-Pools ein Leben lang dicht bleiben.

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Rhino Pools-Händler und ihre Mitarbeiter repräsentieren die Marke und damit das Unternehmen Rhino Pools gegenüber unseren Kunden

Rhino B2B Vertreter


antibes pool

I recently purchased Antibes Quartz Pearl from Rhino Pools and I am blown away by the quality of their products. I have been using my pool for several months now and it still looks as good as the day it was installed. The water stays crystal clear and the pool surface is extremely smooth and easy to maintain.

Everything about my pool exudes excellence – big thank You!

Antibes Quarts Pearl

I couldn't be happier with my new pool from Rhino Pools – Corsica! The installation was quick, and the team was friendly and professional.

I highly recommend Rhino Pools!

Corsica. France

I recently purchased a Rhino pool from German dealer and I am extremely satisfied with my experience. From start to finish, the team at the company was professional, knowledgeable, and attentive to my needs. Pool arrived with pre-assembled parts so the installation process was smooth and very fast.

Overall, I highly recommend this company to anyone in the market for a swimming pool.

Enzo Lite. France

Rhino Pools delivered my new pool incredibly quickly during peak season, which I really appreciated. The installation team was efficient and professional, and the pool has been a hit with my family all summer long. Jonas, Lithuania

Joy – Steel Gray. Norway

This is our 3rd season owning a Rhino Pool. No problems at all. Pool color is same as first day, no problems at all. We would buy again!

Monaco 650. Austria

We installed the pool ourselves. Rhino delivered the pool in 5 weeks in July. No one else was able to deliver the pool to France that quickly.

The company provided us with the installation instructions, everything was clear.

Many thanks to you!

Rio Pro, France

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6 garantierte Möglichkeiten, um beim Kauf eines Pools Geld zu sparen

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Warum GFK-Schwimmbad?

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Poolvorbereitung für den Winter

Understanding what you need to do before winter starts is essential for a pool…

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Recommended weekly routine by Rhino Pools 1. Test water pH and alkalinity….

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Skimming – surface debris ends up on the bottom, to prevent this skim the…

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Circulation is most important part of water care; therefore, best option is to keep…

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Kennen Sie Ihr Schwimmbad

For those who want to keep their ceramic fiberglass pool in impeccable condition…

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