Skimming – surface debris ends up on the bottom, to prevent this skim the water surface with a leaf rake as often as You can.  Take this job as meditation or Your personal Zen garden.

Brushing – brush Your teeth, brush You pool. Good news, you do not need to brush Your pool every day, however this job should be in Your maintenance schedule. Using telescopic brush clean pool walls, corners, inlets, steps, ladders etc.

Vacuuming is the most important job. Vacuuming should be done once per week, perfect if combined with wall brushing and skimming.

Pro Tip
Never use metal brushes for fiberglass pools!
If You want to easy Your cleaning procedures, we recommend of getting an automatic pool cleaner – robot.



En savoir plus

How to winterize Your Rhino Pool.
Pool water treatment and chemistry
Everything about water circulation


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