La préparation de la piscine pour l’hiver

Understanding what you need to do before winter starts is essential for a pool maintenance . There are six simple things to keep in mind

1. Never empty fiberglass pool without additional support beams.

2. Pool maintenance. Start pool season with clean and nice pool. Clean the bottom of the pool, corners, stairs, inlets, led lights, etc. You can use pool cleaning agents and pressure washer if needed.

3. Top off with fresh clean water. We recommend using hose filter.

4. Take a water test and balance the water with needed chemicals.

5. Wait to clear. Fresh water must be circulated and filtered for some time to get perfect clarity, so be patient. Usually it takes up to a week.

6. Plan and schedule Your weekly maintenance.


En savoir plus

Pool water treatment and chemistry
How to clean Your Rhino Pool
Everything about water circulation


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